Review of Profollica
Millions of men and women find themselves searching for a hair loss solution that actually works each and everyday. There is a wealth of information available online when it comes to hair loss, a vast array of available products, and seemingly even more reviews for every one of the so called solutions out there.
Doesn't everyone dealing with hair loss wish that the decision over which product they should use was a lot easier?
Well now it is, thanks to Profollica.
While you need to make sure that you critique everything that you read online, it is simply impossible to ignore all of the overwhelmingly positive Profollica reviews that you can find. There are an exponential amount of powerful testimonials, even more satisfied customers, and a plethora of medical proof that you can peruse before even considering trying out this hair loss solution.
In fact, a large number of Profollica users noted considerable hair re-growth within the first few months of use, and even more noticed that they were losing far less hair almost instantly after utilizing the entire system as directed.
Another reason why so many men and women prefer Profollica over any other hair loss product is due to the fact that it is a complete system. While other products are simply a lotion or a shampoo that stands alone, this option contains three different products that combine to provide powerful results. Every consumer is provided with a shampoo that reduces the amount of DHT in the scalp, a gel that tackles excess sebum, and a nutritional supplement that revitalizes your follicles on the whole.

No matter how many Profollica reviews you read, you will never truly understand how effective it is until you try it out for yourself. Thankfully every purchase is backed by a full 60 day money back guarantee which means that you can give it a full sampling without any strings attached at all. Other products often offer a 30 day money back guarantee which simply is not long enough to truly gage the effectiveness of the formula on your scalp.
If you are looking for a hair loss product that works instantaneously after applying it to your hair, then you are better off looking elsewhere. However, it is likely that you will be searching forever because any product that claims instant results when it comes to hair re-growth is simply promising on something it cannot deliver. While Profollica does not provide instant results, it does offer steady, consistent, and permanent results.
Which is just what anyone dealing with hair loss should be looking for in the first place.
When you look at the complete picture, it does not get much better than what Profollica has to offer. Each purchase comes with a money back guarantee, three proven and effective products, and a number of bonuses depending on which package you opt for.
It's time to stop wondering how you are going to get your hair back, and truly take action.
For more information, go to
Causes of Hair Loss
Hair loss is one of the body changes that most people fear of. Just like menopause, hair loss can easily divulge a person's age. But unlike menopause, which can be kept from everyone but yourself, hair loss can be detected or seen by almost everybody. At about the age of 35, the effect of hair loss can already be seen in men -- either their hair line recedes or a "dome" begins to appear at the back of their hair; some even experience both. In, it is stated that 65% of all men are suffering from the effects of hair loss and a majority of them have Male Pattern Baldness. Women, on the other hand, are affected by hair loss in a different way. Starting at the age of 30, their hair gradually thins out. By the age of 50 or shortly after their menopausal stage, the scalp becomes more noticeable because of lessened hair strands all over the head.
Different factors may cause hair loss. Aging and genetics are only a few. But in men, basically, it is caused by dehydrotestosterone hormone, or DHT. This hormone's chief purpose is to develop the traits of men such as deep voice, larger muscles, and mustache. However, it also develops Male Pattern Baldness. What this hormone does is it accumulates and develops in the DHT receptors found around the follicles of hair. As the hormone has established itself, it will eventually kill the hair as well as the follicle, making it hopeless for hair to grow back. According to, DHT production in women is as not as high as in men, hence, women do not suffer from the same radical hair loss as men do.
DHT increases as men age, killing more and more of the hair follicles. Excess production of DHT can lead to baldness. Although every person has this hormone, there are some who only produce enough amount of DHT. Fortunately, they are the ones not suffering from extreme hair loss.
Other factors for hair loss in both men and women are:
1. Disease or illness - Losing hair could be a sign of being unhealthy. Illnesses such as systemic lupus erythematosis and syphilis, or thyroid disorder show hair loss as a symptom. Chronic kidney dysfunction may also cause lots of hair to fall as it makes them unhealthy, dry, and breakable.
2. Side effects of medications - Drugs that contain lithium, beta-blockers, warfarin, heparin, amphetamines, and levodopa (Atamet, Larodopa, Sinemet) can cause numerous hair to fall off. In addition, some medications being used in treating cancer like doxorubicin can cause rapid but temporary hair loss.
3. Hormones - Different kinds of hormones compromise the human system and an imbalanced production of those could affect the normal growth of hair. An example of this is women's menstrual cycle. Hormonal changes take place in the ovulation period that could cause some hair to lose, so as thyroid and pituitary disorders.
4. Zinc deficiency - Along with diarrhea and eczema, hair loss appears to be a symptom if one has inadequate intake or if the body poorly absorbs zinc.
5. Hair abuses - Too much treatments to hair such as coloring, perming, bleaching, corn rows, and usage of curling irons can wear out and eventually kill the hair. Even excessive use of comb and strong shampoo products can add up to hair loss. Combing the hair for about a hundred times will not really make it healthy; rather, it will lessen the strength of the hair and make it brittle. Shampoos' strong chemicals, on the other hand, can dry the hair up.
6. Giving birth - About a month after a woman gives birth, some of her hair strands have the tendency to fall off easily. Hair strands that fall off are usually from one portion of the head, leaving moon crater-like hair. The falling off of hair in this instance actually does not lead to baldness and it is not permanent, though the recovery period will take up to a year.
These and some other factors cause hair loss. There may be a lot, but the good thing is, there are also quite a lot with regard to medical options of treating this condition. Medicating hair loss can be done by undergoing surgical treatments like scalp grafting, taking oral medications like finasteride pills, or using topical applications such as ProFollica™.
Each treatment is different in approaches, processes, requirements, and applications. For example, hair loss surgery is a proven effective method and so are pills. But both can only be applied to and taken by men. The surgery is usually recommendable to severe cases of hair loss, while pills like finasteride can cause harmful effects to women. Perhaps, the most convenient way to address hair loss treatment, for both men and women, is through applying topical products. This kind of remedy, like ProFollica™, usually comes in a system. This system has natural ingredients, which make it safe for anyone's usage with hair loss condition. It is up to the person and to the doctor, if he is to consult one, what treatment he'll rather or willingly try.
Old beliefs, such as cap wearing bringing about hair loss or combing the hair more than one hundred times will make it healthier, have long been proven untrue. With some tips and causes given above, indeed, knowing the right causes will make one smart on choosing the right solutions.
Hair Loss, and What You Should Know About it
Why am I Losing My Hair?
There are many reasons for hair loss in men. They range from stress and illness to adverse effects from some medications. However, 95 % of American men suffering from hair loss are doing so because it's in their genes. Androgenic alopecia, commonly referred to as male pattern baldness (MPB) is by far the leading cause of hair loss in men. You should love your Mom and Dad, but if you're a man and you're losing your hair, it's probably because they passed a sensitivity to a particularly strong form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT.

What is DHT?
DHT is an androgen, or hormone, that attacks your hair follicles, by shrinking them at first, in a process called follicle miniaturization, and gradually reducing the anagen, or “growth” phase of your hair in susceptible areas, including around the temple and crown areas of your head. Your hair becomes brittle and covers less of your scalp in this process, until the hair follicles inevitably die, thus ending hair growth. DHT is the leading cause of follicle miniaturization, therefore, when you're looking for a treatment for your hair loss, be sure to choose a treatment, such as Profollica™, that tackles hair loss by addressing your DHT levels.
Can I Grow My Hair Back?

The good news is, you're living in a day and age when treatments for male pattern baldness are readily available. The even better news is that some treatments, such as Profollica, are clinically proven to slow, and in some cases, completely stop hair loss. The trick is addressing hair loss early. While it is common to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, if you notice your hairline receding (for example, if you can see your scalp), or your crown is thinning, you should address your hair loss immediately.
What if I Don't Address My Hair Loss Early?
Here are some numbers to think about. By age 35, two-thirds of American men experience some form of hair loss. Eighty-five per cent of men are losing hair by age fifty. Even at the age of 21, 25 % of American men are experiencing male pattern baldness. Have the men in your family lost hair? If you're a North American man, chances are it will eventually hit you. The beauty of Profollica is that by addressing the overwhelming cause of male pattern baldness – excessive DHT – you can minimize, or even stop hair loss.
How Does Profollica Work?
Profollica is a three-step, all natural therapy to reduce excessive DHT and encourage your dormant hair follicles to grow hair again. It helps men suffering from male pattern baldness feel attractive again by addressing their hair loss from the inside out, with a daily supplement to reduce your DHT levels, a daily shampoo that stimulates your scalp and awakens your dormant follicles, and an activator gel containing Trichogen, which recent lab tests have suggested reduces hair loss in 90% of male users. Over 85 % of men using Profollica™ rated their hair growth from “medium” to “good”. By using a three-part, all-inclusive solution to male pattern balding, Profollica is helping men address their hair loss. Check out Profollica today!
With Profollica You Can Re-Grow Hair and Have Sex
Losing your hair sucks. There's no question about it. You get the comments you'd rather not hear, the condescending looks from guys with more hair than you, and frankly, it can make you feel uncomfortable around women. Some women claim that baldness is sexy, and that's cool. But it's your life. Wouldn't you rather have a healthy way to re-grow your hair?
You've probably seen some of the cures for baldness. Aside from wigs, you've got prescription drugs like Minoxidil (Rogaine) and Finasteride (Propecia). When these two drugs hit the market in the mid-90's, men with hair loss issues leapt for joy, thinking these two drugs were the answer to hair loss in men. However, unlike Profollica, these drugs have issues you should know about.
Rogaine, despite its initial promise, doesn't address the leading cause of male pattern baldness, Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and without that feature, produces disappointing long-term results. Rogaine's effectiveness has generally been proven with short-term results among younger men, between 18-41. It's also highly toxic to cats and can kill them, and if you're a male cat-lover with hair loss, look for another option!

Propecia does address over-abundance of DHT in the body, and was the most promising of prescription drugs fighting hair loss to date. But it comes with side effects that are just now coming to light. Users of Propecia have been reporting adverse sexual side effects from the drug, including abnormal ejaculation, irregular sexual function, and impotence. In December 2008 the Swedish Medical Products Agency advised that Propecia may result in permanent sexual dysfunction, including the inability to maintain an erection, and could even lead to male breast cancer.
Fortunately with Profollica, you can re-grow your hair and maintain a healthy and enjoyable sex life. That's because Profollica is a three-step hair growth daily process, starting with a supplement to address your DHT levels, a revival shampoo to stimulate your scalp and open your pores, and an activator gel formulated with the high-powered, DHT-blocking Trichogen, which slowed hair loss in men by 90% in recent clinical tests. By nurturing your body, and addressing harmful DHT from the inside out, Profollica™ restores your hair follicles back to the anagen “growth” face for thick, healthy hair.
Ok, so Profollica will grow my hair back, you're thinking, but what about those nasty sexual side effects that come with hair-loss prevention drugs like Propecia? Simple, there are none. With Profollica, you just apply the Profollica 3-Step Hair Loss Treatment System once a day and continue having sex. Actually, with all that hair growing back, you might find you're getting even more sex!
Of course, we recognize that nothing is quite as comforting as a doctor's seal of approval, and if you do have any concerns, please see your doctor. We take your safety very seriously. We're cGMP compliant, and we're more than happy to show you our Certificate of Analysis of our ingredients to prove their freshness, safety and potency. Just ask.
Who said you can't have your cake and eat it too? You have every right to have a head of thick, healthy hair and enjoy an active sex life. With Profollica's 3-Step Hair Loss Treatment System, you can have both.
Why Every Guy Should Use Profollica
You've probably heard the old wives' tales. Chronic masturbation will make you bald. Heard it? Check. Wearing baseball caps will make you bald. Heard that one? Check. You get baldness from your mother's father. Sound familiar? Yup. Have you followed all the myths, hoping that you can escape hair loss in men and you're still losing your hair? Bear with me, there's help on the way.
Now, to all the guys reading this article who have a full head of hair and are feeling privileged because you've got your locks and believe that you're superior because you've lucked out in the gene pool, read this:
Enjoy it.

Because chances are it will be gone by age 50.
That is correct. Some guys start earlier. Twenty-five per cent of North American men begin losing their hair by 21. Roughly two-thirds of men begin experiencing hair loss by age 35. And the kicker. Eighty-five per cent of guys are experiencing hair loss by age 50. Did that get your attention?
Maybe you'll just lose some. Not all guys go completely bald. But ask any guy who's experienced hair loss and they'll tell you, it sucks. The looks you get from other guys, the feelings around women, the comments, the family reunions, the pictures.
But enough doom and gloom. Because there is help on the way. We're not talking about wigs here. No embarrassing comb-overs. If you're comfortable shaving your head, go for it. But if you don't like the idea of shearing it off (and truth be told, most guys can't pull it off like Jason Statham), there are two things you need to know to keep your hair.
The first rule is, any hair loss prevention technique you employ must address the leading cause of hair loss in men. That leading cause is dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. While it is true there are other factors that can cause hair loss, including stress, medications and illness, 95% of North American guys who lose their hair lose it because DHT attacks their hair follicles in a process called follicle miniaturization, which true to its name, is when the follicles get smaller and smaller until they're gone.
The second rule to keeping your hair is, deal with it quick. As a general rule, it's easier to maintain your existing hair than it is to grow hair that's gone. If you can see your scalp, that means you're undergoing the process, but your hair follicles are still alive. Once your hair is completely gone, the follicles in that area are dead.
Now, what can you do about this? Assuming you don't want Mother Nature to be your barber, you need a hair restoration process. You've heard of Rogaine and Propecia. Rogaine initially looked promising with its ability to maintain hair, but it does not address the issue of excessive DHT. Propecia does tackle the DHT imbalance, but it comes with some nasty side effects, including impotence and an inability to maintain an erection. What's worse, new studies are suggesting these side effects are irreversible. Yikes.
So here's the of the situation: almost every man in North America will experience hair loss by age 50. To keep your hair you need a hair restoration process that addresses the cause of almost all hair loss in men, DHT. You need to address your hair loss while you still have your hair, which means statistically between ages 21 and 50, and you need a solution that doesn't have punishing, and permanent, side effects, because you'd like to have sex again. Solutions? There is one.
Why is Profollica so Effective?
Anyone that is searching for a solution to hair loss has surely come across a number of so-called proven products and guaranteed remedies. However, as with anything on the internet it is important to take everything you read with a grain of salt and try your best not to fail victim to fake reviews or false testimonials. There are simply so many products that contain harmful chemicals or are overpriced and just do not prove to offer all of the benefits advertised.
That is where Profollica sets itself apart from the other hair loss products that are out there. Sure there are some exaggerated reviews to be found on the internet and the hair loss system may not work for absolutely every man in the world, but there is no denying that Profollica is one of the most effective options available.
The question is why is Profollica so effective?
This popular system that stimulates hair growth has been specially formulated using some of the most recent and most valuable hair loss research available today. Years of dedicated research went into developing the precise formulation and combining the perfect all natural ingredients to ensure the best results possible. Unlike other shady products, this effective hair loss solution was created in a licensed facility by trained and experienced medical professionals.
Every single ingredient that is used in the Profollica system plays a vital role in preventing hair loss and stimulating hair re-growth. This is done by blocking DHT in the scalp, revitalizing hair follicles overall, and increasing blood circulation. The potent ingredients and targeted compound are so effective that some users notice visible results within just a few weeks. While those types of fast results are not guaranteed for everyone, it is far better than a lot of the claims from other hair loss pills or hair loss shampoos.
For further proof, just take a look at some of the ingredients that are used in the Profollica gel alone, which is only one part of the dedicated three part system:
- Panax Ginseng Root Extract
- Gingko Biloba Extract
- Kigelia Africana Extract
- Cinnamomumb Zeylanicum
Each of these ingredients, among others, is completely natural and targets the health and vitality of your hair and scalp. The formulation has become known for not just preventing hair loss like a lot of other products do, but also for allowing hair to re-grow as well. And that is precisely what you are most likely looking for.
On top of everything else, the herbal supplement that is provided within Profollica's three-part system helps to fight hair loss from the inside out. Through the supplement, the powerful ingredients can work their way quickly into the blood system and revitalize all the body, empowering it to stimulate the follicles and spark hair re-growth much more than even some prescription hair loss products.
In the end, solving hair loss is not an easy thing to do. Simply washing your hair with a special shampoo, or combing in a gel is not enough to get you the results that you dream of. Combining a number of products into a complete system is the best way to truly try and repair your scalp and combat your loss of hair, and that is what makes Profollica so powerful.
For more information, go to
How Does Profollica Work?
While there are many positive reviews, glowing testimonials, and a wealth of information available online when it comes to Profollica, there are still a lot of people that wonder just how the proven system actually works. Instead of repeating all of the same information that you can read every else, we are going to dive right in and actually show you why the products are so effective.
For starters, this is not just a single product that offers explosive results or guarantees to offer all kinds of benefits. Instead, it is a complete hair loss fighting system that is made up from three natural and powerful products: A gel, a shampoo, and a nutritional supplement. Each product serves its own purpose and plays a vital role in ensuring the most powerful results possible.
Profollica Activator Gel
The gel that comes within the system is aimed at revitalizing your hair follicles and stimulating new hair growth. You simply have to work the gel into your hair and then let it sit and go to work.
Profollica Shampoo
This shampoo is far different than any normal shampoo that you would come across in a store. It creates a foam-filled and creamy lotion all over your hair that treats the scalp, fights against dryness, and gives the hair that you have more texture overall.
Profollica Nutritional Supplement
On top of what the shampoo and the gel provides, the nutritional supplement treats your hair from the inside out. It provides a number of amino acids, minerals, and vitamins to the body that offers your hair all kinds of nourishment and strengthens your follicles.
So how does it actually work?
In simpler terms, to prevent hair loss and stimulate the most new hair growth possible, the system goes to work as soon as you use it. The shampoo fights to unclog the pores so that hair can grow through the follicles while the gel and shampoo combine to help reduce the amount of DHT that exists on the scalp.
This can increase the thickness of the hair that does grow back and improve the health of your head on the whole.
Lastly, the potent ingredients in the nutritional supplement are aimed at improving your blood circulation in order to strengthen follicles.
This impressive three-tiered approach to hair loss is why Profollica has set a new standard when it comes to the entire hair loss industry.
Now you no longer have a reason to simply sit back and live with the fact that you are losing your hair. You have the opportunity to get the hair that you used to have back, and can do so for far less money than you ever thought possible. In fact, considering how many happy customers the system already has, and how beneficial it has proven to be, it is an absolute steal for the price.
That means that not only do you have the chance to grow more hair, you also have more money available to spend on more important things.
For more information, go to
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